October 16th update

Adam, Blake, Elena, Dani, Mikki, Sean, and Travis are group of students in Animation at Seneca this is our blog of our art work, and on occasion things that are worth noting as reference or whatever.

Cheers and enjoy your visit.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

2hours still doesn't loo klike glass

Zoo sketches... I also drew a horse, this girl called Kelly brought out the horse just so I could draw it, but it's one of my weaker drawings... Still, people at the zoo are so nice!

:c c:


  1. So I like that elephant's face.
    It's quite fun.

    Everything else is okay but not note worthy.

  2. I already told u this in person, but i love these! the colours make me happy, you make me wanna colour in sketches of mine XD.

    the glass looks phenominal, alot better then the first one. it actually looks blurry, and then u zoom in and the hard lines are making it like that, its trippy.
